
One call to make. One place to go.

Ending Family Violence.

One call to make. One place to go.

Ending Family Violence.

One call to make. One place to go.

Ending Family Violence.


The Knoxville Family Justice Center is the hub of domestic violence services and support in Knoxville and Knox County. This “one stop shop” center provides co-located services for victims and their children, including legal help and social services. Family justice centers are being replicated across the nation and around the world.

woman offering domestic violence victim her support

Who We Serve

Domestic violence does not discriminate. Anyone can be a victim, regardless of age, race/ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender identity, religion, socioeconomic status, or geographical location. We serve anyone who is a victim of domestic violence regardless of their social identifiers.

How You Can Help

The Knoxville Family Justice Center became a nonprofit in July 2017 and now relies heavily on community support to continue operating. There are many ways—not only financial—that you can help us in our mission and make a difference for a victim of violence.

huddle showing community support

Upcoming Events

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