President George W. Bush announces the creation of the President’s Family Justice Center Initiative, which funds the creation of 15 additional family justice centers around the nation—the Knoxville Family Justice Center is one of these, opening in May 2006.
Congress recognizes the importance of the family justice center model in Title I of the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA 2005), identifying them as a “purpose area” using a “wraparound” service delivery model.
The Knoxville Family Justice Center opens as quasi-government agency.
The National Family Justice Center Alliance launches as a program of the San Diego Family Justice Center foundation, providing technical assistance to existing and developing family justice centers around the world.
The Family Justice Center Alliance becomes its own nonprofit organization—a clearinghouse for existing and developing family justice centers.
Tennessee becomes the second state in the nation to launch a Statewide Family Justice Center Initiative and the first to prioritize federal grant funding, through its Office of Criminal Justice Programs, towards implementing the family justice center model in other cities across the state.
The Knoxville Family Justice Center becomes a nonprofit.